
HandstaCare facilite le suivi de la Polyarthrite Rhumatoïde grâce à sa solution MedTech e-santé: son application Smartphone et son outil électronique.


There are different chronic inflammatory rheumatisms affecting patients’ quality of life.
Our project is focused on Rheumatoid Polyarthritis, a degenerative chronic inflammatory disease that affects 0.5% of the population, mainly women aged 40 to 60 years.

Rheumatoid Polyarthritis causes joint swelling, stiffness and pain, especially in hands and feet, and chronic fatigue. The current medications are prescribed for life to avoid severe course of the disease that can induce irreversible joint deformations.


As with all chronic treatments, patients’ demotivation and lack of observance are often observed and prevent proper treatment efficacy. HandstaCare answers the need of regular follow up of the patients thanks to e-health solutions; a mobile app and a connected device.


The two main objectives are to help patients on a daily basis by being pro-active in monitoring treatment and disease evolution, and on the other hand, to facilitate exchange with their doctors.


The foreseen app will have 2 versions: one for the patient, and a more elaborated one for the doctor.


Combined with new medical treatments, HandstaCare provides an effective tool to support patients up to illness to a more likely remission.

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M@ail : gestion@handstacare.com


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